MBHS is a BCBA-owned company with a unique service delivery model.  All of our services are provided directly by a BCBA (no RBTs). The majority of services occur in a clinic environment, located a reasonable commute from Nashville, TN.  Most clients receive additional direct services, as appropriate, in the home or community environment. Excellence in service delivery is our value, therefore, it is our behavior.

The team currently has most sessions take place Monday through Thursday from  8:35am – 4pm with early closure on Wednesday at 1:30pm to allow for home sessions.  BCBAs are free to create their own schedules within regular business hours (ie no late nights or weekends expected). BCBAs create their own treatment plans/behavior plans and then implement/analyze/modify those plans. Our behavior indicates that clinical freedom in service delivery is our value.

Professional growth is a daily occurrence because we are a team of professionals working towards excellence. With both in house CEUs and informal opportunities to learn from each other, we are constantly honing our skills and staying current on the latest research. Excellence in service delivery is our value, therefore, it is our behavior.

Client case loads typically range from 2-4 clients. Annual pay for newly certified BCBAs begins around $60,000 (based upon 25 hours per week, 48 weeks per year). Other companies talk about work-life balance. Our behavior shows our values.

Pregnant and/or nursing BCBAs encouraged to apply. We are a state recognized nursing friendly facility. Military spouses are encouraged to apply. Family time is a priority. Our behavior shows our values.